A Marketing Field Guide to Agribusiness

Talent Acquisition and Retention RECRUITING AND RETAINING TALENT • Draw attention to self-service portals and check-in lines with Yard Signs, Banners and Feather Flags • Keep new hires organized with benefits and training materials in Presentation Folders • Recognize employee milestones and accomplishments with acrylic, wood and metal Plaques and Awards • Ensure compliance with state and federal labor law requirements, with a Labor Law Poster Subscription Service • Promote new programs or internship opportunities with branded Business Cards, Letterhead, and Envelopes TELL YOUR STORY • Spread the word about hiring events, mentor opportunities, internships and apprenticeships with Direct Mail including Envelopes and Postcards • Count on Promotional Products to appeal to younger, new-to-ag prospects at job fairs and local events • Full-color Posters and Flyers help plant a seed with youth leaders and within local partnerships with schools, 4H sponsorships, robotics and ag clubs • Banners and Sail Signs bring a distinct décor and vibe to ag events Quick Tips Branded Apparel puts your brand on the move. Employees and customers become mobile brand ambassadors as they venture from place to place in their favorite T-shirt or polo sporting your logo. Administrative staff members are often stretched to the limit. Make ordering, approving, and re-ordering of employee Merch and custom Marketing Materials quick, cost-effective and consistent with your own Branded Ordering Site.