Personalized Print

168 Prices effective January 1, 2020 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION: Variable Data phone: 661-555-0143 • fax: 661-555-0144 • Happy Birthday, Sarah! Bring this card with you and receive 25% your purchase! Valid September 4th - October 4th. 2019 dandelion square 2019 Variable data is when text or image on the product changes from sheet to sheet. This can include text, images, or both. Each product page will specify if variable data is available. Products with variable text are easy to order; just provide the following: • A mockup of what the finished product will look like • All art or images (see “Electronic Guidelines”) and text to be printed on the item • A database file, such as a CSV, that includes: - The header, which is the first row of the spreadsheet that describes each column - The database, which is the information that varies as shown below. The database file is the variable information to be printed on the product, set up in a spreadsheet. Excel files are appropriate for most product lines; CSV files are preferred for labels and specialty products like badges and signs. For variable images, include the names of the relevant image files in the spreadsheet and include an image placeholder in the proof. Be sure to submit image files along with the rest of the order. Variable Image orders require all files to be submitted and reviewed before a quote is provided. Please contact us for more information. For variable text and variable images on the same order, please contact us for more information. phone: 661-555-0143 • fax: 661-555-0144 • Happy Birthday, Sarah! Bring this card with you and receive 25% your purchase! Valid September 4th - October 4th. 2019 dandelion square 2019 A B C 1 Name Start Date End Date 2 Sarah September 4 October 4 3 Kara September 7 October 7 4 Abigail September 14 October 14 5 Jeannie September 17 October 17 6 Ann September 23 October 23 6 Shelley September 25 October 25 Variable Text Example A 1 Animal Image 2 YellowLab.eps 3 LoveBirds.eps 4 Collie.eps 5 Bunny.eps 6 RedPuppy.eps 7 SiameseKitten.eps Variable Image Example Variable Data Guidelines Happy Birthday, <<Name>>! Valid <<Start Date>> - <<End Date>>. A B C Final postcard example: Customer mockup file: Final label examples: Customer database file: Customer database file: Customer mockup file: (V) Production time: 1 additional working day. Description Item Number Price Per Order Variable Text AEC-VTEXT-NAV0 $31.25 Add charges below to your order. Variable Image orders require a quote. Variable Data (V) Production time: 1 additional working day. Add charges below to your labels order. Variable Image orders require a quote. Variable Data - Labels Description 100-1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 Variable Text for Labels $92.50 $99.75 $107.00 $121.50 $157.75