Stamps, Signs & Badges
64 GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL ORDERING INFORMATION STAMPS & EMBOSSERS Proofs • PDF Proof Email: Add 2 working days to the item production when requesting a PDF proof. First proof is FREE of charge. Additional proofs are $15.00 (R). Production time begins after receipt of complete order including proof approval. • Production Sample: physical product proofs are available using customer artwork. These are offered at 10% off the quantity 1 wholesale price for standard catalog items and/or 10% off quantity 1 quoted price for custom products. Standard production times will apply. Please reach out to customer service for assistance. • A complimentary proof may be required for certain orders to ensure satisfaction. Production will begin upon approval of the proof. Quantity If no quantity is indicated, one stamp or embosser will be made. Item Number Indicate item number to designate which item will be ordered. Finished Size When ordering a rubber stamp of a different size not found in catalog, request a quote and indicate the finished size of the product on the order blank. Special Instructions Clearly print or type any special instructions in the space provided. Attach an additional sheet if necessary. Use this space to also indicate any special instructions or logos. Indicate all typestyles used on this order. All products will be typeset using our discretion unless otherwise noted in special instructions. Attach a sample whenever possible. Artwork You will need to provide clean, black and white artwork scaled to fit the Imprint area if custom design is wanted. Artwork must be at least 600 dpi. Screens are not available. Notary Stamps & Embossers All notary stamps and embossers will be typeset per the specifications of the state. Specifications vary state by state. Our policy is to follow the state specification for all aspects including but not limited to copy, format, product, and certificate. STAMPS Typestyles If a typestyle is not specified, 4907C (Helvetica Neue Lt Std 55 Roman Caps) will be used. The maximum number of lines and characters for stamps are based on 8 pt. Helvetica. Contact customer service if information is needed on a specific product for lines and characters. Ink/Imprint If an ink color is not specified for stamps and date stamps, black will be used. Special exceptions may be noted by certain stamps. Certain date stamps are available with two ink choices. Indicate color choices for date and copy in special instructions. If no ink colors are selected, defaults will be used; refer to defaults for the item. All copy is typeset to fill stamps. If you do not want the stamp to be filled, note that information in special instructions. Signature Stamps Submit hand written signature three times on a blank white sheet of paper with your order. EMBOSSERS Typestyles If a typestyle is not specified, 4907C (Helvetica Neue Lt Std 55 Roman Caps) will be used. Maximum number of lines and characters are based on 10 pt. type for custom and formatted embossers. Contact customer service if information is needed on a specific product for lines and characters. Logo or Format Number When ordering an embosser, choose a format or provide custom artwork. Embosser Direction Specify one direction from which you will be using your embosser: for a pocket embosser indicate top, bottom, left, or right of the paper; for a desk embosser indicate top or bottom. If a direction is not specified, the pocket embosser will be made to be used from the left and the desk embosser from the bottom. Embosser Directions When ordering your embosser, specify the direction in which you want the embosser to be formatted. Top Bottom Desk Embossers Bottom Bottom Top Right Left Pocket Embossers General Information
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